In an effort to lessen the ever rising costs of communicating with our community, the Creekwood Ranches Board of Directors has approved the transition of routine communications (Newsletter, lost animals, etc.) in the neighborhood to electronic means (email and/or Association web site). If you have not already provided an email address to the Board, please contact to ensure you receive community information. If you prefer to not directly receive information and rely on the web site, please contact us so your name is removed from the email list. In the future, your email address will not be shared or released to anyone outside the Association Board. Should you or anyone you know in the neighborhood have special needs prohibiting receipt of electronic notification please contact us so special arrangements can be made to ensure receipt of information distributed. Please contact any Board member or your Unit Representative with any questions or concerns.

Annual Meeting: October 26th 2024 10:30 AM

Hayride 3:00PM

Quarterly Meeting, May 06, 2024 – Agenda

Call to Order

Roll Call

Open Forum

Approval of the Minutes from Previous Meeting

Treasurer Report


Old Business

·     President’s Report

·     Update of Fines & Enforcement Policy (along with, need to rewrite: Bylaws, ARC policy, Subdivision policy so all are in concert with each

New Business

·     Collection Matters – The Board will consider and vote on taking action on owners who are delinquent in the payment of assessments, late fees or other charges to the Association or possibly referring action over to the attorney to collect such past due amounts through liens, lawsuit and foreclosure, if necessary. 

·      Begin discussion for the Annual meeting, October 26, 2024

o  Election of members at large (3)– who’s running again

o  Anything to be voted on?

o  Newsletter – Dates for when items need to be given to John

·     Assessment Increase – sending letter and ballots out mid-July

·     Administrative procedures

o  ARC ability  to charge for plan review

o  special assessment discussion and cap on special purchases

o  VP resignation

·     Next meeting date August 5, 2024


Executive Board Meeting


2024 Quarterly Meetings, Annual Meeting & Garage Sale Dates

Quarterly Meetings:

February 19, 2024 at 7:00P.M.

May 6, 2024 at 7:00P.M.

August 5, 2024 at 7:00P.M.

November 11, 2024 at 7:00P.M.

Annual Meeting

October 25, 2024 at 10:30A.M.

Annual Meeting Rain Date: November 2, 2024 at 10:30A.M.

Garage Sale

May 18, 2024

Garage Sale Rain Date: May 25, 2024


Annual Meeting: October 28, 2023 – Agenda

Call to Order

Board Introductions

Establish Quorum

Homeowners Insurance Advise – John Meche

President’s Comments

Read and Approve 2022

Annual Meeting Minutes

Treasurer Report

Old Business

E-mails and phone numbers                                      

New Business

Architecture Chair on Restrictions

Property Fraud Alerts


Meeting Adjourned    

2023 Annual Meeting Dates & Agenda

Annual Meeting: October 28, 2023 – Agenda

Call to Order

Board Introductions

Establish Quorum

Homeowners Insurance Advise – John Meche

President’s Comments

Read and Approve 2022

Annual Meeting Minutes

Treasurer Report

Old Business

E-mails and phone numbers                                      

New Business

Architecture Chair on Restrictions

Property Fraud Alerts


Meeting Adjourned    

2022 Meeting dates

Quarterly Meetings

February 15, 2022

May 9, 2022

August 8, 2022

November 2022

Annual Meeting

October 29, 2022

(Rainout for Annual Meeting: November 5, 2022)

Garage Sale

May 14, 2022

February 20, 2020 Roadway Dumping News From The President

I received a call from one of the Creekwood Ranches Property Owners Association(CRPOA) members informing me of this white powder on the road way from Summer Meadows east of the park back down Creekwood Pass to the entrance. I investigated following it from the entrance to east of the park on Summer Meadows in an attempt to figure out who had dumped the material. Both starting at the entrance and where it began on Summer Meadows I found small piles of the material. Calling Comal County Road Maintenance(CCRM) I was told that the white powder was lime. Lime apparently is used in foundations. At this point I believed that there were no suspects in this dumping on a public road, but was told by CCRM that in fact there was a witness to the offense. Apparently one of our property owners observed the dumping. It is an criminal offence to dump waste, building material, etc. on public road ways and on private property. Secondly, it is also a civil offence. Apparently the Sherriff’s Department is involved as well as Comal County Road Maintenance, an environment agency, the Fire Department and God knows how many other government agencies.  

Now, this is going to take time to work through all this mess. CCRM has partly cleaned up some of the lime from Summer Meadow down Creekwood Pass before Mountain Forest. I will be following this situation contacting the Sherriff’s Department, CCRM, any environment agencies, etc. that are involved. As I understand it there is one or two police reports on the offence. It usually takes seven to ten day before the police reports are available to the public. As I already said this is a criminal and civil offence. Time will tell if the Sherriff’s Department files charges and the District Attorney for Comal feels there is sufficient evidence to make a case. On the civil side CCRM should be pursuing civil litigation to recover losses for their loss of man hours, equipment and materials used in the clean-up. Any other agencies which have suffered loss of man power, equipment and material use should also be pursuing civil recourse.

If any property owners feel they have suffered property loss to vehicles, etc. collect photos of the damage, keep receipts, ask for written statements in regards to the lime damage from the repair provider. For these damages class action law suits are the standard.

As usual, Creekwood Ranches Property Owners Association has your back.

William(Bill) F. Banfield III, President

SH 46 Project Update
July 25, 2018 Meeting at 5PM, Click to Learn More

TxDOT in cooperation with the City of Bulverde and Comal County continues work on the SH 46 project, studying the area from Bulverde Road to FM 3159 (Smithson Valley Road).Click here to download a general update on the project. We wish you all a happy and safe holiday season and will follow up in the new year.

ESD #4 Spring Branch Fire Rescue Newsletter links:

Sign up to get Creekwood emails:
NOTE: All communication is done via this website and e-mail

Creekwood Ranches POA 12000 Summer Meadows | Spring Branch, TX 78070

© Creekwood Ranches POA 2018 | All Rights Reserved